Tuesday, September 9, 2008

God Bless the Sleep Fairy

It's amazing how much a few extra hours of uninterrupted sleep can completely change your day and attitude. The first few days of Grayson's life he slept in 3 hour stretches, but once my milk came in that changed to the 1 to 1 1/2 hour range. 

Although this is typical and was even a welcomed physical relief for my newly formed, overly productive milk ducts it does take a toll on us during the daytime. The short sleep time compiled with the fact that Grayson had his days and nights a bit confused and wouldn't sleep soundly until after about 3 a.m. was a challenge to say the least. 

Thankfully last night provided a much-needed bout of rest. After making a point to stimulate Grayson more during the early evening hours and bathing him at night with lavender nighttime soap, he slept soundly from about 11 p.m. to 3 a.m. WOOHOO! I've never been so excited to get four hours of sleep. 

After feeding him and soothing him back to sleep, Grayson then slept in two more long stretches of two hours and then two and a half hours. This may seem a long way off from the 8+ hours of sleep we used to get, but I'll take it any day over the one hour stretches we'd had the last few nights. 

While I realize one night does not mean he'll continue with this sleeping pattern, it at least gives us hope and a short energy boost. Michael even got up this morning and did the dishes, took out the trash & recycling, plus put in a load of laundry all before starting his pot of coffee. I think it's going to be a good day.


Courtney said...

Did he visit again last night?

Lindsay said...

Last night was pretty good, but sadly no 4 hour stretch of sleep. Instead they averaged more like 2 hours, with one slightly longer. He did have a 3 hour nap today which we took advantage of by napping ourselves.