Sunday, March 1, 2009

The halfway mark

When I was little I remember always wanting to seem as old as possible so I used the half to signify my "status." I may not have been 6, but 5 1/2 seemed way better than just 5. At 6 months Grayson is now plain old half, yet again it seems like a status symbol.

His personality comes out more everyday and he's becoming such a fun little guy. Rarely do you see him without a smile on his face or legs rapidly kicking in glee. Favorite pastimes include playing peekaboo, rolling over and over and over, eating anything and everything, drinking from a real cup or sippy cup, and spending time in the jumperoo.

This week his teachers remarked that for being the smallest kid in the class, he eats the most. Probably because he's constantly on the move. Now that he's a rolling aficionado, he has been trying to get his legs up underneath himself. His teachers think he'll be crawling shortly (even before a fellow classmate that's 9 months old!). We'll see how things progress, but he sure seems to be working hard on gaining mobility.

His taste in toys and entertainment is getting more "sophisticated" and we're having to come up with new ways to keep him occupied as we get ready in the morning. Lately, he's been pleased with sitting in his Bumbo chair on the bathroom counter so he can look in the surrounding mirrors. I'm sure this will become boring soon enough and we'll have to come up with a new tactic.

The peach fuzz on his head is starting to turn into an actual head of hair. I'm so used to his bald head and gummy smile it is difficult to picture him with a full head of hair and teeth. For now, I'm enjoying this Gerber baby stage but have to admit seeing him with "bed head" will be pretty darn cute too.

We go back to the doctor for his 6 month check up on Monday and I'm excited to see his weight and length measurements. Judging from all the clothes he's outgrown in the last week, I'd say he's had a growth spurt.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy (half-year) Birthday Grayson! Looking forward to spoiling you soon. You are truly a gift from God.
Love you lots,
Susu and Pappa