Monday, January 3, 2011

Bad Boy Song

Grayson is very into singing lately (which is ironic considering the Christmas Program performance), but we are quite entertained by how he "remixes" songs and lyrics.

For the last week, he's been asking to sing the "bad boy song." We thought this was Santa Claus is Coming to Town, since it talks about being good and bad. We also may have broken into the intro song from the TV show Cops, you know, "Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?"

Grayson went along with Santa Claus is Coming to Town for a few days without correcting us until one day we caught him singing his version of the bad boy song.

We were quite surprised to find out that he was referencing Jesus Loves Me (whoops!). Here's his version of the lyrics:

Jesus loves me this I know
For the bad boy tells me so ...

After rolling around laughing, Michael and I tried to teach Grayson that "bad boy" is really the word bible. Every time I tried to enunciate it, he would repeat me in the same tone but still saying "bad boy." He's so serious about it, we can't help but crack up.

And thanks to our bad guessing, he's now mixing in the beat from the Cops bad boy song into his version of Jesus Loves Me. I'm curious what his teachers will have to say the next time they are in Chapel and Gray busts out with Jesus Loves Me set to the Cops theme music.


Anonymous said...

Too funny and too cute-the bad boys song!! I get a laugh or a tear every time I read your blog. Thx for making my day every time I read it! Love u 3-Aunt KM

Heather said...

Love it. That's the stuff of life right there. Glad you are chronicling this. You'll be glad you have all these details later. Happy New Year!

Whitney said...

This is a hilarious post. Too funny!