Friday, May 27, 2011


A few recent conversations with Grayson:
  • On our commute home from school/work one day I asked Gray the usual, "Who did you play with at school today?" The answer surprised me when Gray replied: "I played with Kendall, Rhyann, Jesus, Kolby..." Me: "Did you say, Jesus?" Gray (smiling): "Yeah." 

  • In a rare moment of mutual affection, Gray was cuddling with Roxy on the couch and randomly said, "I love you, Roxy," and then kissed the back of her head. She was soaking up all the attention and quickly leaned in for some wet kisses to which Gray said, "I don't eat tongues, Roxy. No more kisses."   

  • Gray's school has chapel lessons every Thursday. One of their activities is passing a stuffed animal lamb around the circle as each child says what they are thankful for. Most kids say mommy, daddy, etc., but yesterday Gray's teacher told us he got a little creative. His response was, "I'm thankful for my mommy, my daddy, sometimes my brother (meaning his cousin Luke) and COOKIES!" I must say I'm thankful for all of these things too.

    1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    That's because his Mom makes such deliscious chocolate chip cookies. He's a lucky one!
    L, Pappa