Thursday, August 8, 2013

Good food + good friends = great fun

We recently enjoyed a visit from our friends Matt, Gina and Julianna who now live in Fayetteville. Our circle of friends rounded up our ever-growing posse of kiddos and enjoyed a potluck picnic at the park.

Here are two of my dinner dates, Claire and Julianna 

The kids enjoyed Liam's stomp rocket while the parents enjoyed a little relax time

As you can see, Gina is expecting and Julianna will be a big sister in a few short months!

The next night we hosted a swim party and second round of potluck, but the true hit of the evening was this slackline. It drew out all our neighbors and now Michael and Gray are both obsessed with the sport. If you've never seen some of the videos on YouTube of the tricks and amazing feats of slacklining, it's worth a Google. 

This one is blurry, but it's the best one I have of Michael giving it a whirl. He already ordered a slackline of his own as an early birthday present. I wasn't joking when I say he's obsessed. 

Sweet Julianna preferred to check out Gray's bike trailer on our porch, spending lots of time climbing in and out for entertainment

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