Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Our lil' ball player

A couple of weeks ago, Gray attended a three-day baseball camp with the coaches and players from one of our local high schools. He has been interested in baseball for quite some time, but refuses to hit off the tee so we pitch to him in the backyard until our arms are tired.

While he's a good little hitter, I've refused to sign him up for a team until he learns to catch, field and run the bases. I figured this camp would help him learn some basics without having to commit to a full season. He enjoyed every hot and sweaty minute of it.

They learned all kinds of techniques for hitting and fielding, and he even got to wear daddy's old baseball pants. He felt like the big time!

At the end of the camp, they passed out medals for the boys who scored first, second and third in various contests throughout the camp. Gray brought home two medals, but was more excited to be given his very own baseball shirt that matched the varsity players and coaches.

This one is a bit blurry, but he finally found joy in hitting off a tee.

One of his hits during a practice game on the last day of camp.

He got a couple of good hits that day and even made it to second base. 

He had a short stint playing first base and then rotated to the outfield.

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