Friday, May 8, 2009

A Moment to Reflect

Today marks our five year wedding anniversary, so I think it's only appropriate that I take a moment to look back on how we got here.

I was going to dig up some vintage Michael and Lindsay pics (circa 2000), but quickly realized that nine years ago when we first met, we didn't have digital cameras. That means all the pictures are stuck in a shoebox somewhere and need to be scanned into our computer. Guess, you'll just have to settle for this pre-baby picture taken in NYC during Thanksgiving 2007. When we took this picture, little did we know we'd get pregnant a month later and our lives would be turned upside down. We had so much free time then, heck we were on a vacation...but I digress.

Five years ago, I was living in St. Louis working at a PR agency and flew home to marry Michael who was graduating from OU, moving to another state and getting married all in a 24 hour period. (Did I mention we were crazy and overly ambitious?) Fast forward to present day and we've been through one rental apartment, two houses, two states, five cars, seven jobs and acquired a dog and a son along the way.

The secret to our marriage is that we take turns doing the dishes, changing diapers, and driving each other crazy. I could live without his stashes of car and bike parts or computer circuitry (aka future art projects) and he could live without my unruly pile of bags and purses in the coat closet or ever-growing to do lists, but life just wouldn't be as fun in the long run.

I can't even begin to imagine what the next five years will bring. What I do know is that I wouldn't want to take this amazing ride with anyone else.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Mike and Lindsay!!! Hope you have a big a set of grandparents are visiting from Houston to babysit!! I'm heading to OKC next weekend so hope to see you ... maybe Sunday dinner at Kim Wahs....what else do we do on Sundays? I'll bring a shamwow in case I have to hold Grayson!!! Have a fun weekend, love, ur fav hotlanta unk!

Tricia said...


I loved reading the inventory of cars, homes, jobs, etc. you two have acquired in just five years. It's a neat way to describe a relationship.