Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Grayson stayed home from school today with a fever and cough, but he rallied enough to trick-or-treat to a few houses on our block. Despite practicing saying "trick-or-treat!" he wouldn't speak once people came to the door. He did manage to say "thank you" once they handed him the candy.

Here's a slide show as he got into character as "Grayson robot:"

 The circle panel actually lit up and the first time Gray saw it he said, "Daddy, I'm a real robot!" The letters and serial number are his initials and birthday. So clever, Daddy!

Approaching the first house we realized stairs were going to be a bit of a challenge, but he managed to navigate everything without falling.

He kept saying, "I-am Gray-son ro-bot" in his best robot voice.

Once we got home, you can see he was pretty tuckered out. We only went to about seven houses, but his cold has really taken it out of him. It was enough to get a good candy stash and make some memories.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great job Gray for hanging in there even when you didn't feel up to par. A special job to Daddy for an outstanding creation he will never, no We All will never forget. Special memories were made tonight by both of you.
LYG, Pappa