Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Pumpkin Party Extravaganza

Last weekend Grayson and I attended the "2nd Annual Pumpkin Party" at my cousin Suzanne's house (aka mom to Luke and Jack).

We enjoyed ourselves so much last year and I was happy that Suzanne was brave enough to invite us back for more pumpkin painting and cookie decorating. It's quite a rowdy bunch of kiddos, but they kept the mess pretty much confined to the garage and their clothes.

Gray and I got stuck in several random traffic jams on the way, so we arrived about 45 minutes late and right as the pumpkin painting was finishing up. Despite our frustrating trip, Luke (aka Thor) was a gracious host and kept his cousin company while Gray took part in an abbreviated version of the fun. Here are a few of the highlights:

Thor/Luke "art directing" Grayson's pumpkin paint job

 Mama's favorite part...cookie decorating time!

Suzanne found some adorable vampire fangs for the kids and they really got a kick out of them. I love baby Jack's face in the picture below. Out of all the kids (many of which are 3-4 years older, he's the only one looking at the camera).

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