Our boy is playing soccer again this spring, this time on a YMCA team with our friend Liam. It's been fun to see them enjoy the sport together.
Gray also wanted to play T-ball this year and when I signed him up, I thought the season would overlap with soccer by about a week. That hasn't been the case since three of our soccer games have been rained out and rescheduled, plus the T-ball coach started team practices about a month ahead of the first game.
I'm getting my first taste at what it's like to claim "family logistics" as my part-time job or hobby. Between practices for both sports and games, we've got something at least three nights a week, plus Saturdays. To top it off, Gray is in children's choir at our church and they've been practicing more than usual for a musical this Sunday.
All of this scheduling and planning makes me even more thankful for my parents who shuttled three girls around town as we were active in all kinds of things. Next year I expect Gray to add Boy Scouts to his list of activities, so we'll likely have to pair back on the sports or play during different seasons.
For now, I'm just glad Grayson is up for trying new things. He's really done well in soccer, scoring in two out of their three games and making several blocks to prevent the other team from scoring (they technically don't have a goalie position at their age).
Here are a few shots from our boy in action:
Nana captured this breakaway run which ended in a goal during the first game!
Pumped up after the team's first win
We all know the best part of the game is the snack after. Here's Gray with teammates Crystal and Julia enjoying a post-game snack.
Liam also played hard and made several goals. They technically don't keep score in this league since the kids are 5 & 6, but Liam often flashes hand signals to let you know what the score is. It's hilarious.
Liam's brother Braham scored a snack too. Cheering on the team is hard work!