Sunday, May 10, 2015

Ice Cream = Love

If I've learned anything this Mother's Day, it's that the way to Grayson's heart is through ice cream. His class has been working on several surprises for their mothers this week which will give you all a chuckle.

The first was a portrait of me:
I think he nailed it. I'm holding a flag that says Cubs which is the name of both his soccer and T-ball teams. I'm used to having my name misspelled quite often, but must admit this spelling was original (Limsey). He told me he accidentally made one leg short, so he decided to put a rock under it like I was standing on a rock. That was a creative solution!

He also made this awesome flower out of tissue paper. I love the vibrant colors and I can only imagine the patience and focus it took to complete this. 

The funniest surprise was this booklet. Grayson's teacher asked each child a series of questions and then captured their responses in this booklet. It's pretty enlightening what Gray thinks about me:
  • What's perfect about your mom? On hot days she brings me to the ice cream shop.
  • How do you know your mother loves you? Some days my mom makes me a surprise birthday present.
  • What makes your mother laugh? When I don't eat my dinner.
  • If your mother was an animal, what kind would she be? A cat because she likes cats, but she  loves dogs. (I actually am not a cat fan, BTW, but I know Gray is so I guess he thinks I am too.)
  • What does your mother do all day long? Works for PTA sometimes. (This could not be further from the truth. I'm not even a member of the PTA because I get on a soapbox about how they only have meetings during the day when working moms cannot join.)
  • What did your mother want to be when she grew up? An apartment building worker. (Huh?)
  • What's the difference between a grandma and a mom? Grandma has more wrinkly skin. 
  • What's the nicest thing your mother ever did for you? Gets me chocolate ice cream. 

Apparently gifts (and ice cream) are Grayson's love language. So much for all the effort I put into having quality time and fun experiences with him (which is my love language). Apparently, all I need to do is bring this boy a few surprises and keep the ice cream stocked and he's a happy camper. Either way, it's fun to get a glimpse into that little boy's brain.


Anonymous said...

Hysterical, Limsey! I thought Gray's favorite was pumpkin pie!! Unowho

Anonymous said...

So hilarious!!!!
Great picture of you. He has his Daddy's artistic talent but his Pappas LOVE of ice cream!! Sorry about that!!
So one question... An apartment building worker?? Gotta Love it!!!
L, Pappa