Saturday, May 23, 2015

Take me out to the ballgame

With record rainfall in May, we haven't had the best luck with sports lately. Grayson's soccer team has had more rainouts than games played and that's pushed their season to run several weeks later than planned.

The current forecast calls for more rain on the days he has games scheduled this week and in the meantime T-ball season started. They've only played one out of the three games scheduled so far, and we're now getting double-booked between T-ball and soccer.

That said, I must admit Gray and his T-ball teammates are the cutest in their little uniforms. Their team is the Cubs since that's also their school mascot. On our first and only game, Gray made a couple of good hits, scored twice and had a good stop at centerfield.

Fingers crossed we'll eventually be able to finish out both seasons before Fall. As I type this, we're getting another 4 inches of rain on top of 22+ we've had already in May.

Game face!

First time on base!

Post-game snack with his buds

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