Saturday, December 6, 2008

The Formula Experiment

Today is Day 1 of Grayson's introduction to baby formula. This day arrived a few weeks earlier than I had hoped, but is necessary due to a recent growth spurt Grayson is experiencing.

My personal goal for breast feeding was originally 6 months. Then, when I started back to work and realized how difficult that would be with the travel my job will soon require, I reduced my goal to four months which would be January 1.

I've been on track to reach the four month mark until this past week. All of a sudden Grayson's appetite has blossomed. He went from eating 4.5 ounces per feeding to 6 ounces practically overnight. Needless to say my milk supply was quite overwhelmed and could not meet this immediate demand. I thought my body would adjust after a few days, but I'm still barely able to keep up with a 5 ounce per feeding capacity.

After much thought, I've decided it's time to introduce Grayson to formula now so I can do it slowly and deliberately just in case my milk supply suddenly takes a nose dive. I'm planning to give him one feeding a day with formula for several days and, if that goes well, will increase it to two feedings and so on.

His first-ever formula meal was this morning at 10:30 a.m. He gulped it up like a champ and so far hasn't seemed to have any allergies or digestive issues as a result. Fingers crossed this continues. I did notice he wasn't as hungry at his next scheduled feeding which I think is probably typical because formula babies tend to be able to go longer between feedings than breast-fed ones.

With this plan, I'll continue breast feeding for several more weeks (if not longer as needed), but am proud to have sustained our son solely on food I've produced for 15 weeks while he's doubled in weight. It really is amazing what our bodies are capable of doing.


Me? A Mom? said...

You're doing a great job. Fifteen weeks is GREAT! Pumping is hard work too. I pumped exclusively for the first four weeks of Rosalie's life and hated every minute of it.

You probably know this but Grayson will benefit from your breast milk even if he's just having a morning or night nursing. I mention this in case you would still like to nurse but feel like you have to completely transition to formula because of supply issues. I know how hard it is to keep up with demand when you're pumping the majority of the time.

But if you chose to continue to let him nurse in the morning before work or in the evening when you are home, your body will adjust and keep supply up for that as long as you are consistent. You don't even have to pump during the day if you don't want to. Anyway, for what that's worth... (I know, I'm probably sounding all nipple nazi. Sorry.)

Lindsay said...

Hi Cara, no worries on the advice :) I very much appreciate it! I am going to try both for a while and see how it goes. I do have some overnight travel in the spring that will pose an obstacle, but that's still a few months off so we'll cross that bridge later.