Sunday, December 14, 2008

Our Forgotten One

I just realized I haven't written about Miss Roxy in a while. It's so bad I didn't even take the time to upload a new picture of her. Instead, I just used an old one that was already on our computer. So sad. 

To be honest, I'm not quite sure how Roxy is doing these days. She always wants to be near the baby or anyone holding the baby, but then she gets bent out of shape when Grayson flails his limbs and accidentally hits her. 

If we have company, Roxy gets super excited and refuses to stop bouncing around until the guests give her a proper greeting. I try to provide ample love and petting, but she isn't interested in what I have to offer. 

If she could talk, I think she would tell of a plight similar to a human teenager. Trying to play coy yet secretly seeking attention to reaffirm the fact that she is loved. Luckily, she isn't acting out in defiance at this point but I wouldn't be surprised if that were in our future. 

I'm not sure what to do. No matter how much we try to love on her she seems to still hold a grudge against us, while at the same time showing affection toward Grayson and even being a little protective of him. Maybe this is just the natural process for grieving the loss of her only child status. It's hard to live the life of a diva when someone else demands your parents' attention. 


Anonymous said...

so...this is an odd time to FINALLY leave a comment, but according to the Dog Bible, Roxy may need reinforcement on her "pecking order" since dog's deep down are members of "wolf" packs and there is no sibling rivalry...although she has kind of been replaced. The book also says there are two schools of thought in how to express affection to the dog - either around the baby (giving treats) or give Roxy her own "time" where she is loved." The book also says to never isolate the dog (even during feeding time, etc). So...not sure if that helps, but you may want to consider picking the book up. It's been helpful to us on the cat end (i.e. The Cat Bible).

Something else to consider is getting some DAP (dog appeasing pheremones)...there are sprays and collars and they are suppose to relax dogs naturally.

Good luck! Grayson is precious and we are so happy for you guys.


Lindsay said...

Very good tips! Thanks, Agatha! I've never heard of this book, but will check it out. Glad you decided to post a comment!! We miss you guys!