Monday, April 20, 2009

Another co-pay bites the dust

Michael and I are still trying to find the balance between when to take Grayson to the doctor and when to treat him ourselves. Today is the latest example in this ongoing saga. 

Friday night, Grayson developed a cough. It wasn't very deep and was often combined with an obvious fake cough so we didn't think much of it. Then on Saturday his nose started running off his face (literally) and he didn't sleep through the night. He really hasn't had any fever, although he feels warm at times so maybe it's off and on. 

He's also been fussy even inconsolable at times which is not like him and he started letting out a new cry which is more like a little scream and would make any parent want to swoop in and try to console him. 

Last night he woke up crying that terrible cry several times in the night. This morning, Michael got up to suction out Grayson's nose and he had a huge smear of snot stuck across his forehead. So sad. 

After a fussy morning we decided to take him to the doctor before this got much worse even though he didn't have fever. So we're in the pediatrician's office and of course, Grayson is instantly happy as a clam and talking up a storm. He didn't cough once and his nose (which has been a constant leak) somehow ceased to run. Why do symptoms seemingly disappear as soon as you sit down in the doctor's office waiting room? So frustrating. 

The doctor placated me and went through the normal check up motions, but in the end sent us home with the typical saline drops, suction and liquid Motrin routine. I am thankful it's nothing more than a cold, however we probably picked up more germs by just being in the doctor's waiting room than I would have liked. Sigh. 


Me? A Mom? said...

That is frustrating. I'm starting to go by my mom's if-you're-not-bleeding-out-of-your-eyes-you're-probably-fine rule.

By the way, Rosalie has the exact same cold. She's a pathetic lump of a baby right now.

hang in there.

Lindsay said...

Thanks, Cara. Sounds like a good rule of thumb. You hang in there too! I know you've tried very hard to keep Rosalie cold-free this winter. Aren't their red eyes and little cough so sad?