Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Rough & Tumble

Grayson is finally making a permanent transition into the toddler room at school due to other kids aging up to the next class. He's been ready for this for a while now, but after a few run-ins with the big kids today, he may be rethinking if he really wants to be in the toddler room.

He spent the better part of the day there, eating lunch at the table instead of a highchair, napping on a cot and establishing himself as a non-pushover when it comes to toddler turf wars. Apparently there's a girl named Shelby that tends to be a scratcher when she doesn't get her way. She got Grayson on the forehead today, but it didn't do much damage and he managed to shove her down a time or two. After that there were some biting incidents with a different kid, where he was both bitten and then bit back, but again, not enough to even leave a mark.

Before things got too rowdy, Grayson was sent back to the nursery for the last hour of the day. I think they wanted to separate him from some of the bigger kids before the real initiation began. As his teacher was explaining how Grayson's day went, I imagined a mini-toddler gang, scoping out the fresh meat and testing him to see if he was going to be weak or stand his ground.

Of course, it thrills Michael to no end knowing that Grayson "defended" himself with the scratcher and the biter, but I just hope it doesn't go too far. Guess time will tell.

And if transitioning rooms wasn't enough change for one kid, this is also the week another tooth decided to pop up. He's been slightly fussy the last day or so and I just noticed tonight that a tooth on the bottom left has barely broken through the gum line. Oh what perfect timing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Grayson...good for u...when I get there in a month, point Shelby out to me...I'll take care of her!!!! u no who