Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Some Progress

This morning Grayson woke up without a fever (yay!) but is still overly sensitive and fussy. He played a little this morning, but by 10 a.m. couldn't handle being awake anymore and fussed until I laid him in his crib.

Hopefully we're on the downhill slope of this and he just needs a day or two for rebuilding his energy. Unfortunately, the timing of this illness meant we had to cancel our trip to Houston for Thanksgiving. Michael's parents are driving up here instead, but we are disappointed we won't be seeing the extended family until Christmastime.

I'm sure his Nana and Popper will enjoy the extra snuggle time Grayson is currently demanding, even if it comes with a few meltdowns in between.

1 comment:

Keenan said...

Glad to hear he is on the up-swing! We were worried about him. Enjoy your Thanksgiving and hopefully he can eat lots of the yummy food!