Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Zombie Boy

I think we may have a sleep walker on our hands. I found out this morning that during yesterday's naptime Grayson got up from his cot halfway through his nap, walked around the toddler room and then laid back down and slept some more.

The teachers said his eyes were open, but they could tell he wasn't fully awake. Spooky!

Since he still sleeps in his crib at home, we've never known him to sleep walk. I guess he could walk around in his crib in the middle of the night and we'd never know.

Neither Michael or I have ever been known to sleep walk, but my little sister Emily used to do it when she was younger. She was several years older than Grayson is now, but from what I've read it can run in families.

I also read that 15 percent of toddlers experience a sleep walking episode. It's often caused by sleeping in a strange place, lack of sleep or having a high fever. The toddler room is a new place for him to sleep and he's also been more tired lately due to officially dropping his second nap, so maybe that's what caused the incident.

At any rate, it will be interesting to see if anything more comes of it. My sister eventually grew out of it with no harm done, so I guess we'll just watch and see.


Unknown said...

No harm done to her, but she about gave me a heart attack!

Lindsay said...

Amy, Yeah, I left out the part where you were freaked out by Em's glazed over eyes :) Still gives me chills thinking about it!

Anonymous said...

i am a horrible sleep-walker. i always have been... it is creepy. well at least for anyone who is watching...