Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Our Snowy Adventure

So we're still digging out of the snow, but tomorrow we head back to work and school after enjoying two unexpected days off.

It's hard to tell how much snow we received since it was blowing so hard, but I hear it was somewhere in the 8-12 inch range. Our backyard has drifts over two feet which isn't something we see very often in this part of the world.

Grayson was obsessed with the idea of touching the snow, but quickly changed his mind once we were outdoors in the 30+ mph winds and negative wind chill temperatures.

Here's a video of Gray glued to our back window watching the snow fall and sharing his deep thoughts about the situation:

Later in the afternoon, once the snow stopped falling, we bundled up to realize Grayson's dream of touching the snow. I'm pretty sure it took us longer to get dressed than the amount of time we actually spent outside.

Let's do this! 

He was pretty much done the minute the snow got into his rain boots (which was immediately considering how deep the drifts were)

And just like that, Gray was totally over being outside. 

And I got to deal with the wet clothes aftermath. Fun times for mom.


Anonymous said...

WOW!! Glad you never lost power or heat....with the 30-40 mph winds... it was laughable when the ATL weather gave "wind advisaries" due to 8 mph winds with gusts of 11 -15 mph!!! Hope your day back today was good!! u no who

Aaron said...

I remember the first time Grayson's dad saw snow. :) Not one of our smartest moments, but definitely a lot of fun. Car!!