Monday, March 28, 2011


Gray says a dozen funny things every day, but I wanted to capture a few recent conversations before I forgot them.

Grayson (waking up from his nap): Where's daddy?

Me: Out in the garage.

Grayson: I want to go in the garage, but mommy needs to stay inside.

Me: I can't go outside with you?

Grayson (very seriously): No, mommy needs to stay in the house while daddy and Grayson are in the garage. 

I thought I had a few more years before I would be kicked out of the boys' club, but apparently that day has come. Also, a few nights ago I saw Gray rubbing his eyes and he had another laughable quote:

Me: Are you sleepy?

Gray: No, I'm not tired, but my eyes keep closing. 

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