Saturday, March 10, 2012

Weekend Reset

Let me just start by putting it all out there...this hasn't been a great week. Grayson had several days of not listening to his teachers at school and when that isn't the problem, incessant whining is. It didn't help that I had to work late one night and he's been a bit off-schedule other nights when Michael has class. For a kid who asks regularly, "What's the plan?" (and then really listens to the answer)... being out of our routine rarely ends well.

The last few days have been better and we've planned a low-key weekend where we hope to catch-up on exciting things such as laundry, oil changes and chores. We're also cracking down on the whining and it seems to be helping.

As parents who pretty much skated through the terrible twos, we're now making up for it. I've heard from a lot of other mothers of boys that three is often more of a challenge than two.

In other news, I've completed the application for Gray to be entered in the pre-K lottery next month. He wouldn't start until next August, but they draw names and assign students the first week of April. I really hope he gets into the elementary school in our neighborhood because it's one of the top schools in the state.

Although he is extremely excited about going to "big kid school," I can't believe we're even at this point already. When I was filling out the application, Michael saw the 2012-13 school calendar on the table and asked why we had it. I reminded him that we'd have to follow it in August when Gray starts pre-K, so no more long weekend trips or vacations where he'd miss school.

It was one of those moments where you realize you're actually a grown up, oh yeah, and a parent too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's why it's fun being an with em, spoil em, then send em home!!! good luck...unowho