Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Poster child

Grayson's picture was in our local paper yesterday talking about the Touch a Truck event last weekend. They spelled his first name incorrectly in the photo caption (even though the photographer was writing it down as I was spelling it out for him), but it was pretty fun to see him in the paper.

Michael went out to find a couple of hard copies, but it had rained that day so both newspapers he purchased were pretty wrinkled. Luckily, my sister Emily was able to send me an electronic version of the image.
As a side note, this is photographic evidence of Michael's DNA coming out in our child. Grayson loves gauges and gadgets just as much as his daddy. 


Anonymous said...

That's our boy!! Good job Grayson Mark!
L, Pappa

Emily said...

If you want a hard copy, you can always buy back issues at the Norman Transcript office.