Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Ready or not

Although I'm more than ready for fall, I'm not quite ready to shift into back-to-school mode. My mind still doesn't quite believe that my baby is already headed to "big boy school."

It may just be pre-K (or pre-kindergarten as our boy calls it since he insists on using the full word), but there are school supply lists involved, transportation logistics to work out, enrollment confirmation to deal with and teachers to meet...this is about to get real folks!

Tonight, I found myself making lists of supplies he needs and inventorying Gray's wardrobe as we prep for the big day. I'm trying to decide if it's all worth braving the tax-free crowds this weekend.

His recent growth spurt isn't helping matters either. All of a sudden, Gray's shoes are cramping his toes, he's too big for most of his pajamas and his t-shirts are too short. Not that we need to worry about it anytime soon, but all of his pants have become capris as well. At least with his shorts we can get away with them going from knee-length to just above without too much of an issue.

We've got a couple of weeks to get ready for the big day and I should warn you...I'm totally going to be "that" mom on the first day of school. Camera in hand and holding back tears, but so excited for our boy to start a new adventure.

Grayson is excited to have "homework" (a concept he learned about from the Arthur TV show/books). I should record his excitement now and play it back when he's a moody tween that I can't get to roll out of bed for the first day of school.

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