Saturday, August 4, 2012

Introducing Super Robot!

This morning we channeled our inner superheros and drove down to Pauls Valley to participate in International Superhero Day at the Toy & Action Figure Museum. They were trying to set the Guinness book record for most original superheros in one place. 

Super Robot with Super Mom and Super Dad (you can't see it in this shot, but Michael and I have jet packs on our backs)

Being an original superhero meant you couldn't dress up like Spiderman or Batman, you had to create your own superhero. So we created Grayson the Super Robot! (You may recognize his Halloween costume, but this time we added a cape and omitted the robot legs since it was so hot.)

Unfortunately, we arrived about 30 seconds too late for the group picture, but managed to make it in time for the superhero parade back to the museum. All was not lost since I can honestly say Grayson was the most-photographed superhero there.

Everyone loved his costume and wanted to take his picture, even a couple of passing drivers stopped and asked if they could get a pic as we were walking. There was also a photographer from The Oklahoman who got a lot of photos of us and took down our names (both real and superhero names to be clear). Maybe Gray will make the paper again for attending a community event. 

Super Robot and Super Mom during the parade back to the museum

Here are a few shots from inside the museum. This place is a big and little boys' dream! 

It was an epic morning of fun and I'm glad we made the effort to attend. I'm not sure if they ended up setting the Guinness book record, but I'll keep you posted once they tally the numbers. 


Anonymous said...

You did make the Sunday paper. Good looking Grayson.

Brenda D

Lindsay said...

I heard we made the metro section! Off to buy one this morning, then go shopping for school supplies. Where does the time go? Have a great day!