Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Didn't expect that...

So you know how Gray has yet to discover his fish are all gone? We're going on nearly three weeks of him looking in the tank and thinking all the fish are hiding.

Well, you can imagine my surprise tonight when we were eating dinner and he somehow put two-and-two together that he has four grandparents on my side. This kid doesn't connect the dots that his fish all died, but he can figure out that I have "two mommies and daddies" as he puts it.

He was completely confused by this discovery and I tried explaining it to him and probably made him even more confused. Finally I just said, it basically boils down to having more people who love both of us. I should have just started there because his face changed immediately from confusion to happiness and he was totally content with the situation.

Whew! Just wait until he realizes that Aunt Emily and I have different daddies. That will really blow his mind! Hopefully we won't have to deal with that question until he's five.


Anonymous said...

What I would like to know is Grayson still feeding his non-fish?

Lindsay said...

Haha, no he hasn't fed them. Yet another reason why he should have figured this all out. Apparently fish that are in hiding don't get hungry.