Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Cousin reunion!

We spent the last few days of spring break down in Houston catching up with Michael's family and reuniting these adorable cousins:

Rhyann, Blayne, Lincoln & Grayson
I couldn't possibly love this rotten bunch any more!

Here are a few pics of Lincoln checking out a book. He's such a good baby and barely makes a peep, and only then it's when he's usually worn out and ready for a nap. I loved getting in some snuggle time.

Here he's wondering why we're so crazy and thinking, "That's never going to get me to smile."

Check out Rhyann photo bombing this picture. And aren't Lincoln's little shoes the cutest?

Hey, you talkin' to me?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like LINCOLN'S AUNTIE IS CRAZY ABOUT HIM! Maybe it's time for a little brother Or sister for our Grayson!!!!