Sunday, July 4, 2010

Potty Training Bootcamp: Game Off (for now)

After a roller coaster weekend, we've decided to back off on potty training for now. Our trial run did result in some progress and learning for everyone, but after much consideration Michael and I think Grayson needs a little more maturing before he's fully ready.

We knew going in to this weekend that he was a bit young, but all the signs were there to at least give it a try. Gray had several successes going on the big toilet, but they were likely due to good timing on our part, not his proactive ability to get to the potty in time.

We celebrated his victories and talked through what he had accomplished, but he still doesn't seem to fully grasp how to listen to his body and get to the potty before needing to go. While I would typically just keep trying as long as he was showing interest in attempting to keep his underwear dry, he seems to care less about hanging out in wet undies much less preventing them from getting wet in the first place.

When we would ask him if his underwear was wet he always says no (even when we can tell it is wet). If I have him touch his undies to feel that they are wet, it doesn't seem to bother him so he doesn't ask to be changed like he used to do in his diapers.

We had more success with him proactively going #2 versus #1, so we'll keep working on that even though he's back in diapers and maybe it will help him learn the feeling of needing to go.

I didn't expect him to totally "get it" after only two days of training, but it was enough time to show us we may have better success by waiting a bit longer.

For now, it's time to load up the diaper bag and enjoy what is left of this long weekend!

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