Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Investment Tip

I wish we owned stock in Kleenex. I'm not even sure if they are publicly traded, but we should own some kind of share with the amount of Kleenex we've burned through in the 20+ months that Grayson has been alive.

His nose is a constant faucet which makes it difficult to spot ear infections and colds since his nose drips even when he's not sick. Case in point, this morning's commute.

Grayson fussed and cried -- and I mean FUSSED and CRIED -- nearly the entire 30 minute car ride. Even his favorite books seemed to cause mass hysteria, making it a terrible way to start the day.

Later at work I began thinking that his fussiness may not be a toddler phase issue but instead may be caused from lack of sleep the last several nights. His usual nasal drainage has been on overdrive the last week or so and recently turned into a nighttime cough once we lay him down.

I ended up taking him to the doctor this afternoon and learned that in fact he does have a sinus infection. We've started our first dose of antibiotics and I'm praying they kick in quickly.

While we were waiting at Target to get the prescription filled, I walked over to the shoe section to see if they had any shoes that might stay on his feet. We tried on some crocks and when I went to put them back he had a total meltdown. Not in a tantrum kind of way, but more emotional like they were his favorite blankey or something.

Before you even ask...yes, I ended up buying them and I must say I'm not ashamed to admit it. With the entertainment they've given him this evening alone they were worth the $8 investment, plus they are going to be darn cute with his bathing suit this summer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW. The perils of parenthood. Sounds like you get an A for making the correct diagnosis and an A+ for the crocs. What color did he think he needed? Also, what size? Pappa may have to invest in some others!! After all, the lake is coming!!!