Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Grayson's trick of the week is undoing the velcro on his shoes and taking them off only to get frustrated when he can't get them back on exactly the same way. Yesterday when we picked him up from school he was barefoot because he had taken his shoes off so many times that his teachers finally just left them off.

Today when we arrived he had his shoes on, but was sitting in the timeout chair because of taking them off over and over again.

He knows he's not supposed to do this, but apparently can't resist even if it lands him in timeout. The reason I know he knows it's wrong is because when he brings his shoes to you to help put them back on he does so regretfully like he knows a timeout is coming, but he's resigned himself to that fact as long as it means putting his shoes back on.

If any of you have tips for nipping this in the bud, I'm all ears.


soonersdad said...

Duct tape

Courtney said...

Hmmmm....well, we could look at this two ways, is it really bad for him to take his shoes off at this point, or is he just learning?

Or, if it really is bad, you could try taking his shoes away when he takes them off and then he has to go barefoot, even somewhere public, and then he learns the consequences of taking his shoes off. Would it bother him if you took them away?

Remember, I only have a ten month old so I HAVE NO IDEA about any of this. Just some thoughts.

Anonymous said...

My philisophy has always been, if that's what my nephew or niece wants to do, LET 'EM!! Then send them home to mom and dad! U NO WHO!!

Anonymous said...

This sounds more like look at what I can do. I see it as a teachable moment not a punishment. Teach him how to put them back on everytime he takes them off at home. That is how you learned how to write your name. I stopped and taught you at the moment you were interested in it.
I realize this can not be done at school,but I do not think he should be in time out just for taking off his shoes there. Apparently it is not working. Love, Mom