Sunday, May 16, 2010

A Man of Extremes

Another Sunday evening rolls around too soon, but we had a very full and fun weekend. We spent lots of time working on the house, hanging with friends, playing outside, going on bike rides and eating great food.

Grayson is becoming a man of extremes as he works through new emotions and skills. He's starting to initiate hugs and kisses which basically turn my heart into mush, while at the other end of the spectrum he is also pushing the boundaries of discipline.

We've had a record number of time outs this weekend and a record number of hugs. It's not that Grayson doesn't mind, it's more like he goes from doing something he's not supposed to, then minds when you get on to him, then a minute later turns around and does something completely different he's not supposed to do. Of course, we try to be consistent in our discipline which means we wind up feeling like an enforcer constantly on alert.

I keep telling myself that we're getting our bluff in now to lay the groundwork for the rest of his childhood so it's worth it to stay the course, but sometimes I really get tired of having to dish out the discipline. I know Michael feels the same and it would be so much easier if we just had to deal with hugs all day, but I guess that's not what toddlerhood is all about.

If this is the worst of the terrible twos we'll pray for patience and move on, but something tells me it may get worse before getting better.

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