Sunday, May 18, 2008


So it's time for me to fess up about potentially being a bad mama already...

As you know, we had our ultrasound in April and captured our baby's first pictures. Well the photos have been missing for almost a month and I couldn't admit it to myself, much less tell anyone else.

After searching the house high and low, I finally told Mike that I couldn't find them and that I was already a bad mom. His loving response, "You lost the first memories of our child?" Just what I needed to hear.

I went on for several more weeks thinking they would turn up under a magazine or in a purse I'd swapped in the closet, but no such luck. Finally, as we were packing to go to Mississippi this weekend I was determined to stage a last ditch effort to find the "lost memories." Mike helped too and we discovered them in the nursery closet inside a Hard Rock Cafe bag (my dad and Susan brought the baby a cute "my first Hard Rock" t-shirt from a recent trip to New Orleans).

The night we received the t-shirt, I also showed the pics to my dad for the first time and I guess I stuck them in the bag afterward so I wouldn't forget them. At any rate, I was just so thankful they turned up and I could stop feeling guilty. Hopefully (for the baby's sake) this incident is in no way a reflection on my parenting skills.


Anonymous said...

Believe me there will be more and more stories that you will hear OVER and OVER about your parenting skills and guess where they will come from YOUR CHILD!! You will get to feel guilty all the rest of your life from things they never forget. You still love them anyway because hey, parenting does not come with instructions and you can always answer - "You will not understand until you have your own children." This is great life is a circle!

Anonymous said...

Just wait until the baby tells you that you lost something and its all your fault. Make sure you make copies of the ultrasounds and put the pictures from the dr. office in a dark place. The paper will fade and then they will be gone forever. Love yall wish we could be there this weekend.