Thursday, February 12, 2009

Baby Food Binging

Grayson's appetite has been off the charts this week. I've been making all of his baby food which typically only requires an hour or two on the weekend to make enough to freeze for a week or longer. That was, until this week.

All of a sudden he's gone from eating one serving (a large ice cube size) of one type of food at a sitting to eating 1-1 1/2 servings each of two types of food and then crying for more. It doesn't matter what you feed him -- zucchini, sweet potatoes, pears even peas -- he just can't get enough.

I'm headed to the grocery store tonight to stock up on apples, carrots and bananas to try out a few new tastes. Apparently I need to grab a few more ice trays as well so I can make a big enough batch to last us through the week.

This weekend I think we'll also experiment with changing his feeding schedule. He's right on the verge of moving from five bottles down to four, so maybe adding in another food feeding would help get us over the cusp.

It just seems to me that this is a lot of food for a little guy. Then again, who really knows? Maybe he's hitting his 6 month growth spurt a bit early. It's all a big guessing game anyway so we'll just stock the fridge and see how it goes.

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