Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Tornado Dodging

Tornado season made an early visit to the OKC metro area yesterday, but luckily we escaped without any bodily or home damage.

The storms hit in the middle of the afternoon and my office building was evacuated down to the basement (which is a seriously creepy old bank vault). Grayson's nursery is located in the basement of a church, but since they have ground-level windows, the teachers moved them to the center part of the building.

While Grayson and I were hunkered down in our respective shelters, Michael and his coworkers were on the roof of their two-story building, watching the storms blow by. Not their smartest hour.

Even though we were not in immediate danger, my mom's elementary school was very close to the tornado's path. They all ended up okay, but it made me realize that we have no emergency plan for our family. Guess we should add it to the list of must-dos, right next to other fun things like creating a will.

I also realized that the last time we had some crazy weather (i.e. a few snow days a while back), Grayson and I got a little cabin fever and took these pictures. I posted them on my Facebook page, but forgot to do so here as well.

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