Monday, August 22, 2011

Milk Paint

Grayson's fever came and went in about 24 hours which gave us enough time to enjoy the weekend. Nana and Popper were in town from Houston and got to witness a new art experiment called Milk Painting.

Michael stumbled across this on a blog recently and it looked simple and fun so we gave it a try. All you need is whole milk, food coloring, a dish with sides and some liquid dish soap.

Then Gray donned his paint smock and we were in business...

First, you fill the dish with enough milk to cover the bottom and then you drip in various colors of the food coloring.

After that, you add one single drop of dish soap to the middle of the plate and watch the colors react. It's science and art all rolled into one.

I took a video of the first attempt and it's fun to watch the colors all swirl together. Then we dumped out the milk and did it all over again.


Popper was positioned up on a stepstool and captured some of the tye-dyed colors with his nice camera. We're hoping to turn some of the close-up photos into abstract prints on canvas. I'll keep you posted on how that turns out once Michael has a chance to work his design magic on the images. 


Emily said...

This seems a bit messy for you...more of an "auntie em" project. I'm glad to see you're letting your hair down in the name of fun! I wonder what would happen if you dipped paper in the concoction and then let it dry....

Anonymous said...

what fun!!! what would happen if you dropped a bit of bourbon in it?? unowho