Sunday, October 5, 2008

One Month & Counting

Grayson has changed so much in just a month. He is starting to look less like a newborn and more like a boy. Overall, I still think he favors Michael except for maybe his eyes.

For the most part, Grayson is a pretty laid back baby. He doesn't fuss much unless he is ready to eat, has gas or needs a diaper change. He is starting to vocalize in other ways besides crying and is able to focus his eyes on your face or other things like lights and ceiling fans.

There are still a few times he goes cross-eyed or gets that deer in the headlights look like in this picture. It really cracks me up how wide he can open his eyes. Makes me wonder what thoughts are going through his head when this happens.

He's also doing well with both breastfeeding and taking a bottle. Here is daddy feeding him his first bottle a few weeks ago. As a sign he is eating well, Grayson is up to 8 lbs. and 20 1/2 inches long and is beginning to fill in the excess skin around his knees and elbows.

Other things Grayson currently enjoys include his pacifier, the adorable booties our friend Michelle knitted, and goofy hats. Here are some photos of him with a few of his favorite things:

This picture and video pretty much sum up how Grayson feels about tummy time.


Anonymous said...

Wow, I don't envy the day you have to break him of his paci....

Whitney said...

Aw, it was so good to see an update and more pictures! Grayson is changing so much. Yeah, it doesn't look like he enjoys "tummy time" too much. Was it just the day or does he normally not like it? He probably just likes to be close to his mommy. :)

P.S. I love the picture of Roxy all sprawled out. She is such a little ham.

Keenan said...

He is so precious! Can you believe how fast time flies now? I remember days felt so long when we were waiting for our babies to get here, and now it seems like weeks just fly by. I'm glad things are going well for your new little family and he is healthy and you are all happy!