Monday, February 4, 2008

Do you smell that?

Lately I've been a text-book case of pregnancy symptoms, with the most prominent being a heightened sense of smell. I wake up and eat breakfast, working very hard not to linger over the sink or leave the fridge open too long. The sink is usually clean and whatever dishes are there have been rinsed, but I can somehow still smell whatever use to occupy the plate or bowl. 

It's like this all over the house. Our bedroom smells like a gym locker, my pillowcase always evokes dinginess (even when fresh from the linen closet), and don't get me started on Roxy's odor. I swear our house is not that dirty and we bathe our dog on a regular basis, but I just can't seem to get past the stench. 

The worst part is that my office at work has a an old radiator system that vents from the floors below and I happen to be located right above a Chinese restaurant. And this isn't your average lunch buffet. It also serves breakfast with all kinds of fried delicacies available beginning at 7 a.m. 

So, any suggestions on getting past this phase are welcomed and encouraged. For now, I'll try to breathe through my mouth and prevent my gag reflex from activating. Wish me luck.

1 comment:

Me? A Mom? said...

No suggestions, sorry, but the repulsion stage passes fairly quickly. I just wanted to say how cute it is that you have a "linen closet." :)