Monday, March 9, 2009

Stickers & Artwork: Building A Childhood Time Capsule

As a parent, nothing thrills me more than 1) reading Grayson's daily school report to see how his day went, and 2) receiving art he's created at school. The school report has sections for his feeding, napping and diaper schedule, plus sections for what activities he enjoyed that day and then an open space for teacher comments. 

Friday's report was particularly fun because the teachers added a sticker and smiley face to the note and in the comments wrote, "Thanks for bringing such a happy boy today." Usually they write, "Grayson had a great day." While every parent likes to hear positive things about their child, knowing he's been good for them and that he enjoys his time at school gives me both relief and happiness. 

These reports also make me think ahead to the future and wonder about what his report cards will say about him. Will he be the class clown, a chatty cathy, mathlete or bully? While we were in Houston this weekend, we went through several family photo albums and Michael's baby book. We found two report cards from early elementary where two separate teachers noted, "Michael needs to pay more attention when directions are given." 

I find it funny that of all the report cards he ever received, these were the two that made it in the baby book as a keepsake. Ironically, those comments are equally true today as they probably were in first and second grade. Also in the baby book were various art projects Michael created during his years in school. They are so much fun to look through and some he even remembers making. While I know we can't keep every piece of art Grayson brings home, we have kept his first two (a valentine and an "abstract" piece with brightly colored shapes glued on it). 

Each time I go through Grayson's dresser to pack away clothes he's outgrown I set a few things aside for memories and hope he someday enjoys these keepsakes as much as I do. Many items from Michael's childhood have been preserved in his mother's hope chest (which I incessantly tease her for when she pulls out items like nearly every pair of track shorts he's ever owned), so I know how fun it can be looking back at those itty bitty booties or the cap he wore home from the hospital.   

It's challenging to self-edit the items I choose to keep or pass along but I know we have a long way to go so I need to discriminate between sentimental items and those that are simply cute. Someday Grayson may look back through the things I chose to keep and wonder why in the heck is a green piece of construction paper with random shapes glued on it sentimental, but I'll smile to myself and insist it doesn't get thrown away. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well as long as Grayson doesn't but on the old clothes like his daddy in his track shorts this weekend then things will be good. i keep most of blayne's school work from the year and keep it in seperate boxes from year to year then at the end of the year it goes into the attic. i cant wait to see yall again. love yall