Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Soccer anyone?

Our son just might be the next David Beckham. At the rate he is kicking, this kiddo is going to have some serious leg muscles worked up by the time he's born. As I write this post he is squirming around like crazy. 

During my dad's visit earlier this week, he was able to catch the baby kicking which was pretty cool. Michael has been the only one to feel it up until now and I'm sure it's only a matter of time before we see a foot outline poking out of my belly.

Mr. baby is still nestled pretty deep inside me so the movements haven't created any alien belly distortions just yet, but when it happens we'll try to catch it on film. 

In the meantime, Michael decided to dust off his soccer ball from the garage and place it on a shelf in the nursery. Such a dad thing to do. 


Courtney said...
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Courtney said...

Had a typo I had to fix. Maybe we will get to feel some kicking action tonight! See you later.