Thursday, June 19, 2008

4D Photo Shoot

This morning we had our 4D ultrasound. Mr. Baby was pretty sleepy and didn't feel like moving much so it was difficult to get full shots of his face. He spent most of the session with one leg hiked up over his head and an arm blocking his face as well.

That said, we were able to poke and prod enough to get some profile shots. The ultrasound technician said boys typically resemble their mothers, but in this case she thinks he's favoring Michael. Either way, I'm sure we'll think he's the cutest baby in the world (you'd expect nothing less from proud parents, right?).

We also learned he's around 2 lbs. 11 oz. and they projected my due date two days earlier which puts us at Sept. 6 (but who really knows). Enjoy the show...

He's nestled in to the uterine wall which you see on the right side.

She tried to build out the right side of his face, but it's a bit distorted since he had it buried against the wall.

As the technician poked around we watched his facial expression change which was pretty cool. He was not happy with all the harassment and just wanted to sleep in...guess he does favor his daddy.

Once she stopped pressing down, he quickly settled back into a comfy position.

Here's a shot of both feet.

"My future's so bright...I gotta wear shades."


Courtney said...

Oh these are SO cool! I love the fifth one. He looks so pleasant and peaceful. I think the little pouty face is pretty cute too. Hopefully we will get to see the DVD.

Whitney said...

I like the baby pictures! I just read your most current blog and I am sorry I didn't comment on Friday, but I DID show my coworkers - I get some points for that, right?! Anyway, it is amazing that you can do breaks my heart when he is frowning from all the poking!

How are you feeling?!

P.S. I want to see the pictures from the baby shower!